
A.I.S.E. International Association for Soaps, Detergents & Maintenance Products
Association Internationale de la Savonnerie de la Détergence et des Produits d'Entretian 
ACI American Cleaning Institute
AFPSP Air Fresheners Product Stewardship Programme
APPLIA Home Appliance Europe, formerly known as CECED
BEUC European Consumer Organisation
BPR Biocidal Products Regulation
CARACAL Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
CECED  European Committee of Manufacturers of Domestic Equipment, now renamed APPLIA 
CEFIC  Conseil Européen de l'Industrie Chimique - European Chemical Industry  Council
 CESIO  Comité Européen des Agents de Surface et de leurs Intermédiaries  Organiques - European Committee of Organic Surfactants and their  Intermediates
 CLP  Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures
 CSA/CSR  Chemical Safety Assessment/Chemical Safety Report
 CSP  Charter Sustainability Procedures
 DetNet  Detergent Industry Network for CLP classification
 DG  Directorate General (European Commission)
 DPD  Dangerous Preparations Directive
 DSD  Dangerous Substances Directive
 DUCC  Downstream Users of Chemicals
 EC  European Commission
 ECETOC  European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals
 ECHA  European Chemicals Agency
 ECRN  European Chemical Region Network
 EEB  European Environmental Bureau
 EMAS  Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
 EPAA  European Partnership on Alternative Approaches
 ERASM  Environmental Risk Assessment Steering Management Committee of  A.I.S.E./CECED
 EU  European Union 
 EUSES  European Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances
 ES  Exposure Scenario
 ESC  Environmental Safety Check
 EUEB  EU Eco-labelling Board
 FEMIN  European Federation of Manufacturers and Traders of Cleaning machines,  material and Accessories 
 GCC  Gult Cooperation Council 
 GHS  Blobally Harmonised Hazard Classification and compatible labelling system
 GREAT-  ER  Geography-referenced Regional Exposure Assessment Tool for European  Rivers
 GPP  Green Public Procurement
 HERA  Human and Environmental Risk Assessment on ingredients of Household  Cleaning Products 
 IA  Impact Assessment
 IAQ  Indoor air quality
 ICN  Industry Classification Network
 ICPAIE  International Cleaning Products Associations Information Exchange
 I&I  Industrial & Institutional Products, now referred to as PC&H
 INCPA  International Network for Cleaning Products Association 
 ISO  International Standardisation Organisation
 JRC  Joint Research Centre
 KPI  Key Performance Indicator
 LCA  Life Cycle Assessment
 LCI  Life Cycle Inventory
 LSP  Laundry Sustainability Project
 NGO  Non-Governmental Organisation
 OECD  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
 PCC  Poison Control Centre
 PCE  European Chemical Bureau Department of Physical and Chemical Exposure
PC&H Professional Cleaning & Hygiene
 PEC  Projected Environmental Concentration
 PEF  Product Environmental Footprint
 PREP  Product Resource Efficiency Project
 RA, RAR  Risk Assessment, Risk Assessment Report
 RAC  Risk Assessment Committee (REACH and CLP)
 RCR  Risk Characterization Ratios
 REACH  Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
 REACH-  IT  REACH Information Technology
 REACT  REACH Exposure Assessment Consumer Tool
 RIP  REACH Implementation Project
 (Q) SAR  (Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationship
 (Q) SAR  (Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationship
 SCHER  Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks
 SCP/SIP  Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy
 SDS  Safety Data Sheet
 SEPAWA  Association of Soap, Perfume and Detergent Experts
 SMEs Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
 SPERCS  Specific Environmental Release Categories
SUMIs Safe Use of Mixtures Information
 SVHC  Substances of Very High Concern
SWEDs Sector-specific Worker Exposure Descriptions
 UN  United Nations
 UNEP  United Nations Environment Programme
UNGHS United Nations Globally Harmonised System of Classification & Labelling