Consumer safety exposure assessment

A.I.S.E. has developed new tools to assist with consumer exposure assessments.

These tools are designed to help members provide detailed information about consumer exposure assessments to substance suppliers so that they can perform - and in turn - communicate, realistic exposure assessments via the ESs. They are based on information about the identification of consumers' habits and practices originally developed under the HERA project, and further complemented with companies' data and recent A.I.S.E. consumer habits surveys.

For a description of consumer uses of cleaning and maintenance products, visit teh section on Description of uses . The SCEDs factsheet made available here are referred to in the use maps through their code included as the ‘Exposure Assessment input’.   #

A.I.S.E. has developed Specific Consumers Exposure Determinants (SCEDs) to facilitate consumer exposure assessments for a range of consumer products including cleaning and air care products, in line with guidance developed by the DUCC/CONCAWE task force under the CSR/ES Roadmap

The SCEDs can be used to refine exposure estimates using ECETOC TRA v.3.1.

The A.I.S.E. SCEDs comprise a supporting explanation document as well as factsheets for each product category covered.


Update now available - Download HERE the SCEDs V1.1 HERE the Supporting Explanatory document and HERE the Chesar file for the full Use Maps Package  

All the changes between V1 and V1.1 are tracked in the document "History of changes" available here


In 2010 A.I.S.E. made available to registrants its own Reach Exposure Assessment Consumer Tool, REACT. 

The A.I.S.E. REACT Consumer Tool allows quantitative estimation of systemic consumer exposures to substances that are present in preparations used by consumers. 

The tool calculates substance exposure via inhalation, dermal, and oral routes separately and also provides a summation of all the relevant exposure routes. It can also calculate Risk Characterization Ratios (RCR) for the different exposure routes separately and for overall exposure. 

More information is available via the User Manual which provides guidance for working with the A.I.S.E. REACT Consumer Tool.