Environmental exposure assessment

A.I.S.E. has developed new tools to assist registrants with environmental exposure assessment under REACH. 

Specific Environmental Release Categories, or SPERCs, are sets of sector-specific environmental release values developed for the different activities taking place within A.I.S.E. product’s portfolio. 

The concept of SPERCs has been improved under Action 2.4 of the CSR/ES Roadmap and it is in line with ECHA's Guidance on Information Requirements/Chemical Safety Assessment. SPERC values correspond to levels of a substance released into the environment during use. They depend on a number of factors explained in the SPERC documents.

For a description of environmental scenarios linked to uses of cleaning and maintenance products visit the section on Description of uses. The SPERCs factsheet made available here are referred to in the use maps through their code included as the ‘Exposure Assessment input’.  

SPERC factsheets and CHESAR SPERC files, addressing comments received after the first REACH registration deadline are available beneath. Improvements include more consistency across sectors and more robust justifications for the data. 

We strongly encourage registrants preparing their chemical safety assessment (CSA) and downstream users preparing their own DU CSA to use these revised SPERCs going forward. 

More information on how to make the best use of the SPERCs is available through Cefic guidance online.

Please note that under the Roadmap work is on-going to improve the factsheet and ensure the acceptance of the SPERCs information by the Authorities. 

The A.I.S.E. experts’ SPERCs team will work in 2018 to align the existing SPERCs with the latest factsheet format developed during the exercise on "best practice” to assess the reliability of SPERCs.


Tables of SPERCs - Replaced by Improved Use Maps In March 2022