Conference material

Following the A.I.S.E. workshop on better regulation for the safe use of detergents and maintenance products on Friday 10 June 2016, we are pleased to invite you to view the conference materials: 


Charles-François Gaudefroid, President, A.I.S.E.

Reinhard Büscher,  Head of the Chemical Unit, European Commission (DG GROW)
Linda-Jean Cockcroft, RPA (Risk and Policy Analysts) 
Valérie Séjourné, Director for Sustainability and Communications, A.I.S.E. 

Fabrizio Sesana, Toxicologist, Milano PCC
Paul Clohessy, P&G for A.I.S.E. 
Peter Dekker , Nederlandse Voedsel-en Warenautoriteit (NVWA - The Netherlands)
Lori Dixon, owner, Great Lakes Marketing

Janice Robinson, Director Product Regulations, CEPE

SUB-GROUP 1: Consumer information

Pedro Zaragoza, SynapsesQuali
SUB-GROUP 2: Medical personnel inforamtion

Geert Boeije, consultant
