Workshop on the classification & labelling of detergents and cleaning products under CLP

The Hotel, Bd de Waterloo 38, Brussels

"One year after the implementation of CLP for mixtures- shared learnings and insights with the detergents and cleaning products industry”

The safe use of workers and consumers has always been a top priority for A.I.S.E. member companies. A.I.S.E. members are committed to providing appropriate, reliable  and understandable information on product labels, in line with the actual product hazards and effects of their products on humans.

Following input from stakeholders’ consultation carried out in 2009, A.I.S.E. developed the Detergent Industry Network for CLP classification and labelling of detergents and cleaning products, which is based on two pillars:

  1. Applicability of validated in vitro methods to generate test data on detergent mixtures;
  1. Development of the first Industry Classification Network "DetNet” to share data/expertise and avoid unnecessary testing, based on CLP bridging principles and expert judgement. 

The workshop will provide :
  • an overview of stakeholders’ perspectives on the CLP classification and labelling of detergents and cleaning products;
  • practical solutions toward a harmonised application of CLP principles (e.g. bridging principles, expert judgement, weight of evidence etc.); 
  • feedback to further enhance the effectiveness of DetNet among CLP pratictioners, competent authorities and institutions.
Following the A.I.S.E. workshop on better regulation for the safe use of detergents and maintenance products on Friday 10 June 2016, we are pleased to invite you to view the conference materials: 


  • Reinhard Büscher, European Commission, DG Grow
For the video, click here (no presentation available)

  • Detergents and cleaning product mixtures: the new challenges under CLP (G.Luijkx, Unilever)

  • A.I.S.E. In Vitro Programme (P.McNamee, P&G)

  • Prospective study on the eye effects caused by detergents & cleaning products (MAGAM II) - part a (M.Hermanns-Clausen, Poison Center Freiburg ) 

  • Prospective study on the eye effects caused by detergents & cleaning products (MAGAM II) - part b (H.Desel, BfR) 

  • DetNet Presentation (C.Bertein,A.I.S.E.

  • Bridging principles concept in the UN GHS (P.Brigandi) 

  • Debrief from breakout discussion and workshop conclusions
For the video, click here (no written document)

Who should attend this workshop?

This A.I.S.E. workshop is open, by invitation, to CLP pratictioners, Competent Authorities, institutions and industry

  • Member States’ CLP Competent and Enforcement authorities 
  • European Commission and European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
  • HelpNet CLP correspondents
  • CLP experts from A.I.S.E. members
  • Other interested parties (Poison Control Centers…).

For further information on this event, please contact:

Caroline Bertein

Phone: +32 2 679 62 68

Email: [email protected]